People's Money 2022-2023 (test)
Testing for new voting modules
183 ideas
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This program aims to address some of the inequalities women
face and have conversations about women’s health. The...
face and have conversations about women’s health. The...
A program to connect seniors and youth by engaging them through cooking, storytelling, and cultural exploration....
An after-school program that will prepare youth for the workforce through a series of workshops. There will be a...
A program to raise awareness and connect Bushwick residents to mental and physical health resources. The aim is to...
Developing a green space within Brownsville that can act as a haven for residents of the community. This project...
Free after-school tutoring programs for local youth. The program would hire tutors to support elementary and middle...
Job training for teens, youth, and older adults in the Brownsville Community. This will help to provide access to...
Creating an Anti-Gun Violence Advocacy group that would combat violence in the neighborhood through both local...
Supporting mental health clinics in the Brownsville Community in an effort to combat crime and potential incidents...
The project will have programs for the social and physical well-being of seniors. It will have opportunities for...
This project will provide programs that will create ways to access the city’s resources and help immigrants to...
The project will create a program teaching financial literacy, savings, budgeting, and how to run a business. It will...
The project will address food insecurity issues in the community. It will create a food bank where seniors and...
The project will teach vocational skills, and provide on-the-job training programs so community members can have...
Provide high-quality afterschool and summer programming for girls of color, between ages 12 and 17. The program will...
Providing tablets with free Wi-Fi to a group of older adults to help them learn and practice online skills. Classes...
Create a partnership with a local community wellness center to allow existing patients suffering from chronic...
Introduce young adults ages 18-24 to different fields of work. They will also receive financial literacy workshops to...
A team of youth and adults dedicated to spotting, reporting, and addressing debris, refuse, and abandoned vehicles or...
This project includes workshops in film screenings and other events to increase the overall pride of the residents of...